Cobra is a 16 month old Belgian Malinois training for IPO. We really love your stuff and have many other products from you. The quality and price are awesome. Thank you!
From: Julia Bober from Ohio, USA Check Pictures from Our Customer
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Cobra Training with French Linen Puppy Bite Sleeve with Handle
Are you looking for the equipment for training your pup? Start using this Bite Sleeve from about six months and you will be surprisedby the results your dog will achieve! It is made of strong yet safe for your dog French linen material.(same material used to make bite suit) Ithis model is ambidextrous that means you can used it both left and right arm. Its light weight and the flexible elbow will give you a possibility to move with additional speed and perfect mobility. Additional handle allows usimng the sleeve in off the arm training. Don't miss it - it will become the perfect choice for puppy training before you progress to the dog young and intermediate sleeve.
Got the sleeve cover today!! Thank you very much - it is much more like what I wanted than the one I had to buy elsewhere -- don't run out of those things any more!! :)
From :Nancy, USA
Take a look at puppy french linen sleeve in 3D
Thanks Julia the parcel arrived and we are thrilled! the Mallies were attacking the toys in no time at all ☺ thanks so much ☺

[5 of 5 Stars]