Save Big on the Best Dog Harness: Full Guide for Smart Buyers

Evgeny Kotlarov Dog Gear, Ultimate Guides 8 Comments

Become a Dog Harness Pro in Just 45 Minutes!

Have you heard the saying that 10,000 hours of practice can make you an expert? Well, you don’t need to spend that long figuring out how to choose the perfect harness for your dog!

In just 45 minutes, you’ll master all the essential knowledge to pick the best harness for your furry friend. No need for endless research—we’ve done the hard work for you!

Whether you’re a new dog parent or a seasoned canine lover, this guide will equip you with the confidence to choose the right harness and make every walk more enjoyable.


Unsure whether to go for a collar or a harness?
You’re not alone! Many dog owners face this dilemma. The right harness can offer better control, reduce strain on your dog’s neck, and make walking more enjoyable.

This guide is perfect for:

  • First-time dog parents who want to be fully informed about dog-related gear.
  • Experienced dog owners looking to try a harness for the first time.
  • Anyone in search of the best harness for their specific breed or dog size.
Dog Harness Guide
Confused about harnesses? This guide will answer all your questions.

Read this full dog harness guide and learn everything you may need to know about this type of dog equipment in just 45 minutes!

This guide will help you!

Even if you are an experienced dog owner and have a good grasp of the dog harness use, you will get some useful tips and hacks.

Because I want to share knowledge and save your time!

I was a first-time dog owner by myself and still remember the problems I faced when picking out a suitable harness. Of course, as a responsible and conscious dog handler, I read a lot, consulted dog trainers.

But I spent a great deal of time and energy in exploring everything. And thus I want you to get all knowledge at one place and very fast.

There are so many articles on the dog harness issue, but I failed to find a universal one. So, it is a high time to take charge of it!

This guide will take you through the very process of choosing the right harness for your dog (its type, size, material) to handful tips of the harness maintenance and use.


This guide is approximately 11 000 words long. If you want to get a quick overview of a dog harness, you can read a summary of each section of the guide. If you are eager to get deep into details, get ready to be blown away by the hurricane of interesting information.

Dog Harness: Quick Key Facts

Thule people (lived in between A.D. 900 and A.D. 1100) already used dog harnesses for sled activities? So, no wonder that many people tend to prefer harnesses to collars

Depending on the purpose (training, walking, sledding, identification, service or even fashion) there are many different types of dog harnesses. The next chapter will shed some light on this issue.

For those who are newcomers let’s answer the question –

A dog harness…

What is this thing?…

Answering this question I want already show you some benefits and ways of use. BTW! I was really surprised to find out that there is no clear definition of it on the Web.

So, I thought that it would be great to create a sort of a scheme on the basis of the information I’ve gathered from different sources.

I hope it will help you just like it helped me to clear up what a dog harness is.

So, now you know that a dog harness is a special piece of dog equipment that has lots of benefits and may make walking with your pooch much easier.

The second question that may raise in some curious minds –  Who was that genius man or woman to harness a dog?

No one knows exactly when and by whom a dog harness was invented. Some say that the first harness was designed in Canadian Thule sites. What for? For sledge activities, of course. This invention increased the range of winter hunting and travel [Coppinger]. Today harnesses are used in far more ways and have become an indispensable part of dog equipment.

The Eternal Question: Harness or Collar?

Do you want to know what do I prefer: a collar or a harness? Then read this section!
Thoughts of experienced and trusted dog experts are gathered here.

And do you know what do they think? Some advocate for using a collar as it helps to keep dogs without behavioral issues in safety while walking. Especially, if the pet does not like the feeling of a harness on his body. Others say that a harness is the only tool to be used for walking. Do you know why? Because it is the most humane dog supply to teach a pet to walk nicely on a leash.

But the truth is as always in the middle. I believe that some dogs do better with a collar while others do best with a harness.

What do you guys think about this?

Before you start reading the following lines,

I invite you to play a game.

I say “Dog walking” and you imagine tools that you will use for having a stroll with your beloved canine.
So… the game starts right now!

Dog walking!

Let me guess. A leash and ….. a collar? Or a harness?
My first reaction was a collar. And it is natural, I suppose. Most of us got accustomed to a dog collar and even do not think of a harness as of a walking gear.


The truth of the matter is that some dogs do better with a collar while others do best with a harness. So, I am here to help find a golden middle and decide which one will suit YOUR dog best. I am not a dog expert or trainer and what I write here is just my personal experience. Do you want to learn what dogs experts think about this issue? Let’s see…

What do they think about using a dog harness?

Photo: @Raising Your Pets Naturally

As a positive dog trainer, I want to ensure the mental and physical well-being of the dogs I’m helping. I promote walking dogs with a harness and leash, not a collar. I feel walking a dog on a harness and leash is the best way to ensure physical safety of a dog.

– Tonya Wilhelm, a dog trainer and cat care specialist

Positive dog trainers usually support the idea of using dog harnesses rather than collars.

Photo: @OriginalDogWhisperer

I believe that a leash should be attached to a properly fitted harness rather than a collar when walking a dog.

– Paul Owens, a dog trainer

Let’s watch the video below and hear what the famous Norwegian dog trainer Turid Rugaas thinks about using dog harnesses:

What do they think about using a dog collar?

Photo: @Cesar.Millan

If you don’t have issues on the walk, this can be a great tool. It allows you to keep your balanced dog safely by your side and out of harm’s way. I recommend this for easygoing, happy-go-lucky dogs without obedience problems.

– Cesar Millan, a famous dog trainer known by his show “The Dog Whisperer”

Photo: @VictoriaStilwell

I cringe when I see dogs choking, coughing, and essentially strangling themselves on walks as a result of their collars. While prong and choke collars are the most obvious offenders, even a flat collar can be damaging to a dog’s neck if the dog hasn’t been properly taught to walk on a loose leash.

– Victoria Stilwell, a specialist of positive reinforcement dog training  

So, who is the winner? Hard to say!

Just like people, dogs come in different shapes and sizes with varying needs and personalities. What works best for one dog may not be ideal for another.

Choosing a collar or harness for walks depends on the individual needs of you and your canine. Check the diagram to learn when you should use a collar or harness.

Tastes differ. You may prefer a harness to a collar or vice versa. However, I can’t deny that both have advantages of their own. Let’s check them out!

But… you can’t have the sweet without the sour. Both have some weak points.

Now when you know pros and cons, just choose the one that is more comfortable for your dog. I just want to share a quote with you from the article “Training tools for your dog” by Paul Owens:

As a professional reward-based trainer, I believe whatever tools you choose should be used humanely, with your first thought being what is best and most comfortable for the dog.”

-Paul Owens, a dog trainer

Keep it in mind when making your choice!

There is a study “The behavioral effects of walking on a collar and harness in domestic dogs” conducted by a team of scientists at Hartpury College (Grainger, Wills & Montrose 2016).

And you know what?

They discovered that it is not a big deal whether you use a harness or collar! It would not affect the behavior of your pooch in any way. But they discovered some behavioral effects and not the way they influence health state of the pooch. So, make an educated choice and enjoy walks with your canine.

Harness and Collar Tips

1. When using a collar or a harness, it is important that your dog is always wearing identification tags. Yes, that means all the time. You never know when something can frighten or distract a dog and cause him to bolt, and you never know when your dog might accidentally get out of the house or off leash. Accidents happen. 

ID tag example from the website for tag customization @TagsForHope

Here’s what to include:

  • cell phone number,
  • rabies tag, updated with each vaccination,
  • any health issues – particularly a pressing one requiring regular medication or management,
  • i your dog is microchipped – include the name and phone number of the microchipping company.

2. Do you believe that a collar or harness can solve all behavioral problems? You should research effective methods of training a dog on walking behavior. Pulling and jumping up are not ideal with either a collar or harness, and simply switching between the two won’t stop your dog from doing those things.

3. Use the harness only when leash walking and take it off when your dog is off leash. Ensure that the harness is not pressing or rubbing anywhere and that it is washed regularly.

Types of Dog Harnesses

So many types of dog harnesses…

It is really easy to get lost in such a variety. But this section will help you in this challenge!

Consult the classification of dog harnesses and choose the type that will do better for your lovely furry friend. I divide all dog harnesses into 3 groups depending on the ring position, purpose and design.

Learn more below.

Can you imagine what did Christopher Columbus feel when approaching closer to the coast of the New World?

There were so many undiscovered things to explore…
Excitement?… Confusion?…  Fear?… Shock?…

For me, to explore that dog harnesses are not, all the same, was like for Christopher Columbus to discover America. I used to think that one harness would do for any activity I would like to involve my dog in.

How wrong I was! It turned out that different dog harnesses address different issues.

So, tell me!

How do you want to use a harness?

  • Will you use it for walking or running with your pooch?
  • Do you feel the need to discourage your pet from pulling on a leash?
  • Or, vice versa, do you want to get a sled harness so that your dog could pull a sled?

Oh my Gosh! So many questions! But do not worry! No question will be left unanswered!

Let’s check my own classification of dog harnesses based on several criteria:

  • ring position,
  • purpose,
  • design.

I do not suggest taking this classification too seriously. I just want to say that I tried to gather all types of harnesses known to me and give them nicknames for easy learning.

And that is what I have in the result. Some of you may have already become overwhelmed with the number of harnesses’ types available today. Do not worry! I will help dot the i‘s and cross the t’s in the dog harness issue.

According to the Ring Position

Victoria Stilwell, the star of Animal Planet’s hit TV series It’s Me or the Dog, in the article “Head Collars and No Pull Harnesses“suggests:

“There are three main types of harnesses – those that clip on the dog’s back, those that connect to the leash at the dog’s chest and those that connect on the back and the chest.“

Let’s take a close look at these 3 types of dog harnesses.

Back clip harnesses / “Backie”

Oh, come on! Not again… How to deal with it?

Do you have these thoughts after your dog’s “Shawshank redemption” like slippings the collar? It is quite exhausting, isn’t it? So, if you feel like being fed up with these endless races, it is high time to put an end to them! 

Let me introduce a “Backie”, your solution to a catch-me-if-you-can problem.

  • It is a must-have item for the dogs with a sensitive trachea or/and with a Brachycephalic syndrome (like Pugs, Boxers, English Bulldogs etc.), as it redirects the pressure from neck to the upper body.   
  • This type of harness is good for many activities with a dog, including sledding or pulling.
  • You can also choose the material this harness can be made of!

The scheme below states that there are far more reasons to use a “Backie”.

So, choose a “Backie” if you have:

  • a small dog or a canine with a Brachycephalic syndrome,
  • a calm dog who does not tend to pull on a leash,
  • a dog who slips collars like David Copperfield.


Among Fordogtrainers’ bestseller we have – Adjustable Nylon Dog Harness for Pulling, Tracking and Training!

It is a nylon back clip harness designed for different activities from daily walking to sledding or pulling. If you live in a coastal area, this supply will be a great choice. Nylon is a water-friendly material. Buckles are made of durable plastic that will not rust.

FDT Adjustable Nylon Dog Harness for Pulling, Tracking and Training


  • waterproof nylon material,
  • 2 ways adjustable,
  • a be-in-control handle on the back,
  • 2 attachment points (one back for leash attachment, two extra side D-rings to attach a sledge or cargo)
  • wide straps for better distribution of pulling weight,
  • affordable price,
  • option to upgrade the harness to reflective trim.


  • if not of a proper size may rib under the front legs.

Also, there is plenty of leather harnesses in case you prefer leather to nylon. Take a look at this Fashion Dog Harness with Optional Handle for Dog Training and Walking! It is a great option for walking or agitation training!

FDT Leather Harness for Dog Training and Walking


  • 100% natural leather material free of toxic elements,
  • 4 ways adjustable,
  • felt padding on the chest and back plates,
  • a be-in-control handle (optional),
  • 2 colors available.


  • for dogs with tender skeleton may be heavy.


  • Backies are the best for calm dogs trained not to pull on the leash, as the design does little to discourage pulling.
  • Backies are not for everyone or every dog. A back clip harness may encourage the dog to pull as the opposition reflex is involved. It is dog’s natural instinct to push or pull against pressure. So, this type of a dog harness will work with sled dogs. But if you want to discourage your canine from pulling, you should consider a no-pull front clip harness.

Front clip harnesses / “Frontie”

Backie, or frontie: that is the question…

Edwin Booth in the title role of Hamlet

Are you also in two minds like Hamlet was? I hope that the previous chapter was fruitful and some things are clearer for you now. But I want you to know more!

So, here comes the “Fronties”.

“Fronties” can be really handy for big pullers. And it is due to the leash attachment ring which is on the front part of the harness. How will you benefit from this? – It gives you more control over the dog who pulls. Moreover, this type of dog harness is the least harmful way to train polite walking on a leash [Pat Miller]. Dogs can’t pull forward or even to the side because the leash is attached at the chest and will just turn them back toward you.

Today’s market offers a wide range of front clip harnesses and you may find the one that will fit your furry friend perfectly.


Take the lead and enjoy the freedom of a stress-free walk with this Pet Safe Easy Walk® Harness. It gently discourages your dog from pulling on the leash.

Easy Walk® Harness @Pet Safe


  • waterproof nylon material,
  • discourages pulling on the leash,
  • easy to fit and use,
  • light and comfortable,
  • the chest strap is well away from the throat to prevent injury,
  • 4 adjustment points,
  • belly strap is a different color so you can differentiate top from bottom.


  • may be easily chewed.

Walk Your Dog with Love The Original Dog Harness makes any dog walk a pleasure. Just attach a leash and enjoy daily walking with your friend.

The Original Dog Harness


  • stops a dog from pulling,
  • easy to put on,
  • NO hard metal rings,
  • pull-points are all double reinforced.

“Frontie’s” tips or “Frontie’s” NOTs:

  • it is NOT recommended to put this harness on your dog, if you want to do some active exercises, like jogging;
  • this is NOT a type of harness, which can be worn all the time, as it may rub a bit after a long wearing;
  • it should NOT be used for tying out or riding in a car, as it is not recommended to leave your pet without supervision – the dog can just chew the tool.
Double ring harnesses / “Super Combo”

The choice between some things we love may be very difficult.  For example, ice-cream or chocolate?

Even do not know what to choose as I love both! The same story is with a “frontie” or “backie”. Luckily, there is a way out!

So what do you say about a “super combo” harness (that is how I call harnesses with 2 attachment points – both front and back)?

Personally, I think that this is a truly effective training and walking tool!

Why? Check out the list of its benefits!

  • completely force-free and pain-free => the most humane gear to teach the dog to walk nicely on a leash,
  • attachment to both rings – more simultaneous control points => you can steer your dog better,
  • attachment to a front ring => eliminates the effect of dog pulling,
  • attachment to a back ring => great for big pullers.

There are many of these on the market. Here are some of the most popular double ring harnesses.


No-Pull Harness

No pressure, no pain, no pulling with New Positively No-Pull Harness from Victoria Stilwell. It will help teach your dog without pain or discomfort to stop pulling on the leash.


  • double front connections to maximize no-pull effectiveness from both left and right,
  • comfortable velvet underarm strap prevents chafing,
  • 4 adjustment points,
  • traditional shoulder connection allows standard harness use.

Check out this Fordogtrainers Nylon Dog Harness! It can be used for over 9 activities and in any outdoor weather condition! A set of ID patches for activity identification is included.

FDT Nylon Harness with Velcro Patches


  • 2 attachment points for leash – front and handle,
  • side D-rings for pulling activity,
  • removable under belly strap,
  • easy upper grip short control handle,
  • removable ID patches,
  • wide nylon straps.

Searching for a harness for all-day activities? Take a look at this Ruffwear Front Range™ Harness! It is an everyday harness that is easy to put on and comfortable for dogs to wear.

Ruffwear Front Range Harness


  • 2 attachment points,
  • padded,
  • no edges to dig into your dog,
  • customizable fit with four points of adjustment,
  • ID pocket to store dog tags.

Front clip harness tip:

Do you want this harness type to work for your dog?

Then keep in mind that it should be snug enough. Make sure that the whole front part of the tool doesn’t move sideways. [Kristina Lotz]

According to the Purpose

There is no doubt that harnesses are crafted for walking, training and to reduce pulling.

BUT!  Not ALL and not ONLY. Let’s find out how you can use a harness apart from these purposes.

Vest dog harnesses / “Armor-like”

Stop and read till the end if you are picking out a harness for:

  • service dogs,
  • those who like to be trendy,
  • or who live in cold weather conditions and want their dog to get warm.

“Armor-like” harnesses, as I call them, would be right for you! The reason I call them “armor-like” is that this dog harness type covers almost the whole dog’s torso. But you’d better scroll down if you are searching for a leash training supply. “Armor-like” harness won’t work with your pooch!

There’s so much variety of vest harnesses to choose from. Let’s take a look how do vest harnesses vary.

Service and Military Dog Vest Harness / “Inspector Rex”

“Inspector Rex” dog vest harness is not a tool for timid dogs.

Have you ever heard about Rex?

Inspector Rex Series

Do you remember that crime-solving star of the show? It was the dog I fell in love with from the first sight!

Do you ever wonder why doesn’t he wear a harness to be easily identified? If the dog is not wearing a vest to distinguish him from other dogs, people may unintentionally distract him from his job. It was a kind of confusion for me taking into account the activity he was involved in.  

I guess, it is a common knowledge that people should not interact with working dogs (here is a story about it). But if your pooch does not wear a proper vest harness that will identify his activity, how would anyone know?

Service dogs are real superheroes. They play a crucial role in our society, often in dangerous and demanding environments and:

  • help people with disabilities,
  • sometimes even save their lives,
  • are involved in military or war actions.

Difficult tasks to deal with, agree? So, the best service dog vest is not a whim but a must! When choosing a service vest please consider:

  • comfort => to be worn for long periods of time,
  • strength and durability => to stand any activities and weather conditions,
  • safety => not to harm dog in any way,
  • visibility => to keep a dog and a handler safe,
  • identification => not to distract the dog.

Pay attention to these features and you will get the best service dog vest for your canine.


CaliberDog K9 Tactical MOLLE Vest was designed with many features to accommodate the working military and police dog.  

CaliberDog K9 Tactical MOLLE Vest


  • adjustable chest/neck strap,
  • back girth strap sits far enough forward on the dog eliminating the problem of causing pain to a male dog,
  • handles on the top of the vest,
  • two rows of MOLLE straps and hook and loop on each side,
  • two colors available.

On the contrary to the former vest harness designed for military and police activities, this Nylon Dog Harness with Reflective Strap for Training, Walking, Police Service, SAR and More from Fordogtrainers is a great device for service dogs. It is made of a durable yet lightweight material – nylon. Thus, the vest harness will do for around the clock wear.  

FDT Nylon Dog Harness with Reflective Strap for Training, Walking, Police Service and SAR


  • reflective trim,
  • 10 ID patches to determine the activity the dog is involved in,
  • easy adjustable,
  • comfortable to wear,
  • be-in-control handle.

Doggie Stylz Service Dog Harness is similar to the vest developed by Fordogtrainers with the only modification – saddle bags. This harness and saddlebag combination is an extremely versatile piece of kit, suitable for service dogs, law enforcement dogs, therapy dogs and medical alert dogs. Use it for activities such as hiking, cycling, tracking and hunting.

Doggie Stylz Service Dog Harness with Removable Saddle Bags


  • 2 removable reflective Velcro patches one for each side of harness,
  • 2 removable saddle bags that feature interchangeable Velcro identifying panels,
  • reflective strip and lettering on both sides for added safety,
  • 2 adjustable straps for premium & custom fit.
Warm dog vest harnesses / “Cozy-Torso”

For cold-natured dogs….

For cold-weather walks…

… a “cozy-torso” dog vest is what you will need. Keep your pup/s warm and dry regardless of the weather outside.       


To prevent the dog from overheating, the dog should not be harnessed in this vest for a very long time if you live in country with too warm or even hot weather conditions.


FDT Warm Nylon Winter Harness Dog Coat for Walking

Check also this dog coat, made by Fordogtrainers. This Warm Nylon Winter Harness Dog Coat for Walking helps to preserve heat in a winter season, so will protect the dog’s sensitive skin from cold wind. And it really does due to nylon material, which is strong and waterproof. You can’t change the weather, but you can change your dog’s walking equipment! So choose the best!


  • Velcro ability,
  • Special hole to attach the lead to the walking equipment,
  • Non-restrictive design,
  • Fast procedure of putting on and off,
  • Stand-up collar for better heating.

Adjustable Nylon Dog Harness for Rehabilitation and Winter Warming is a warm dog harness, made of thick waterproof material, which is perfect for winter days or wet weather. It’s an indispensable item in rehabilitation your dog, as it gives your pet a feeling of comfort during walking.  

FDT Nylon Dog Harness for Rehabilitation and Winter Warming


  • waterproof material,
  • quick release buckles,
  • 2 ways adjustable,
  • easy grab be-in-control handle,
  • serves both for rehabilitation and to keep your pooch warm.
Fashion dog vest harnesses / “Woof Fancy”

Are you raising Cara Delevingne in a dog models’ world?

You should be very proud of your pooch’s achievements! Endless photoshoots, admiring looks, fame and fortune… Isn’t it what we are all dreaming about?.. Or at least dreamt when were kids…

Let’s face the truth! With a tight schedule you may have not much time to read about all types of harnesses available. But being a part of a dog fashion industry you can’t miss a chance to get to know about this type of dog vest harness.

“Woof Fancy” vest harnesses are designed for:

  • dog models,
  • lovers of fancy clothes for their pets.

If your dog does not have any walking issues and walks nicely on a leash, then make them shine bright! A dog walking in festive clothes by your side will raise your spirits. There are oceans of “Woof Fancy” designs. Vests for any taste or budget made from a variety of materials are available for you.


SnapGO Mini Dot Dog Harness Vest

Сuteness overload is guaranteed when your girl will wear this SnapGO Mini Dot Dog Harness Vest adorned with classic white polka dots on a red background and a charming bow.


  • super easy to put on or take off,
  • Velcro closure,
  • classic white polka dots on a red background and a charming bow.

If cute dress-like vest harnesses are not about your dog, check out this Biker Dawg Motorcycle Dog Jacket. Doggie dude looks pretty good in it. By the way, a pink vest is also available. Just in case if your petty girl is a bold female. Anyway, it is perfect for dogs that ride on motorcycles or just hang with the gang at the watering holes.

BaxterBoo Biker Dawg Motorcycle Dog Jacket


  • made of the finest soft faux leather…it feels just like real leather,
  • this cool jacket is fully lined,
  • high-quality embroidered vintage bike and biker dawg,
  • embellished with heavy-duty studs,
  • heavy D-ring leash attachment,
  • hand wash, line dry.

Personalised Direwolf in Training – High Visibility Dog Coat is perfect for Game of Thrones fans and their direwolves. This is a bright example that “Woof Fancy” vest harnesses are designed for all tastes! This personalised dog safety coat is ideal to keep your dog safe and visible all the time. The hi-viz reflective band and borders offer extra visibility to keep him seen at all times. Perfect for CaniX cross country running, Hunting and walking at night-time.

Personalized Game of Thrones Direwolf in Training High Visibility Dog Coat


  • 100% polyester
  • strong tear and release velcro fastening under the neck and body
  • suitable for fitting over a harness or a warmer coat in bad weather
  • 4 colors available
  • dog’s name may be printed

Sledding dog harnesses / “Balto’s Feat”

Are you an adventurous parent who wants to have fun with kids in a winter season by teaching a pooch to pull a sled? Or perhaps you would like to join the annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race?

Anyway, you won’t do without a “Balto’s Feat” harness if your canine is supposed:

  • to pull at speed,
  • for long distances.

What makes “Balto’s Feat” harnesses so indispensable?

  • designed to make pulling easier for the pet,
  • meant to maximize a dog’s pulling ability,
  • the weight of the load is evenly distributed across the shoulders and down the back,
  • have a special padding along different pressure points,
  • the attachment site of the harness is on the back,
  • ability to hook up a dog if there are several dogs in a row.


Walking dog harnesses must NEVER be used for this kind of work. Ordinary walking harness does not distribute pressure in the correct way and may cause rubbing or injury.


This X-Back Sledding Harness from Black Ice is popular for lean bodied racing dogs and dogs in good physical condition.

X-BACK Sledding Harness


  • side straps to provide less pressure on the rib cage,
  • self-adjusting “x” across the dog’s back provides a better fit,
  • heavyweight nylon webbing,
  • padding on the neck and breastplate,
  • option to order extended padding, oval look and reflective strips.

“Balto’s Feat” harness tip:

  1. It is important that the webbing used for “Balto’s Feat” harnesses is not too wide in proportion to the size of the dog. Webbing which is too wide will not sit flat as it curves around the body, and the edges will tend to dig into the dog when pulling causing discomfort.
  2. The harness must always be straight and tight. Otherwise, it will get stuck between the paws of the sled dogs.

Did you know that…?

#1 Sled dog tradition is far older than we think!

…the earliest evidence of man using a team of canines to pull sleighs through snow dates back over 1,000 years. The Thule people of Canada are known to be the first to use the dog power.

Balto Statue in Central Park, New York

#2 Sled dogs saved the city from a deadly disease!

…a sled dog named Balto was a real hero. He saved the town of Nome, Alaska from a diphtheria outbreak in 1925. The dog sledding covered a distance of 53 miles (83 km) in 7,5 hours facing a blizzard with −23 °F (-31 °C) temperatures and strong winds. Can you imagine that?! 

He is forever immortalised with a statue in Central Park, New York.

#3 The Gold Rush is a crash without sled dogs!

Dog sleds were important transportation vehicles during the Gold Rush of the late 19th and early 20th century in Alaska and Northwestern Canada. One of the most important dog sled travel routes during the Gold Rush was the Iditarod Trail, a 1000-plus mile trail. Seems like something unbelievable for me!

Weight pulling dog harnesses – “Ready. Steady. Pull”

Dog handlers whose dogs are involved into weight pulling will find this piece of info useful.

I would like to say that personally I confused “Balto’s Feat” and “Ready. Steady. Pull” harnesses. I thought that these activities are the same and do not require different kinds of equipment. I could have won a prize “Top wrong ideas about a dog harness” because I was mistaken… Again!..

The same story? Don’t feel sorry!:))) We all learn from our mistakes. And now I know that these tools are different. And you will learn it too!

What is the main difference? Let’s see it!


Mind that a regular sled pulling harness should NEVER be used for weight pulling.

Weight pulling can help your canine with behavioral problems!

Well, it’s really surprising, but according to American Pulling Dogs Association it’s a true story. How does it work? Let’s find out!

In some cases dog owners can have not enough time for exercising with dogs (e.g. long daily dog walking) so pets try to spend their energy on other things, such as chewing different stuff (sofa, clothes, shoes etc.), barking for a long time or any other behavioral issues. As canineculturecny writes, weight pulling can be used not only for draining excess energy, and as a rehabilitation supplement, but because it’s fun!

FDT Smart Design Weight Pulling Dog Harness


Help your dog be more relaxed. Check this Smart Design Weight Pulling Dog Harness

Dog carting harnesses – “Happy Helper”

Why and when?

According to American Kennel Club – drafting and carting are sports that are open to all breeds of dogs, including mixed ones. But in fact, larger breeds are more common when using this type of harness, as the dogs “dressed up” in carting harnesses can be those indispensable helpers for farmers, transporting necessary stuff.


Step-by-step teaching your dog using a carting harness is the way you need. First of all, start with something what is not so heavy, e.g. you can use a chain like here: How to teach the dog to pull a cart . Make sure that the dog loves the process, if yes – you’ll see a wagging tail.  

Wilczek Siwash Carting Harness

Wilczek Siwash Carting Harness allows the dog free movement in the shoulder area, and ensures the dog will use his chest to pull. Forward girth belt includes loops to hold shafts in place; rear girth belt keeps harness in place when the dog is at rest. Features a padded collar with Superplush padding, and neoprene rubber under the superplush padding and 2000 pound test nylon webbing.

Assistance dog harnesses / “Friend-in-need”

“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.” —  Winnie the Pooh

I really love this saying about friendship. Friends come in all shapes and sizes. And sometimes it happens that a dog becomes your best friend.

Have you ever heard about assistance dogs? Hope you have… They do a really good thing – provide a specific service to their handler with special needs. But it is more than that! They  also greatly enhance the quality of the handlers’ lives with a new sense of freedom and independence… They become true friends…

Of course, we want only the best for our friends. So, if it happened that you or your relatives need a harness for an assistance dog, mind the following:

  • it aids assistance dogs,
  • allows to bear a small portion of the handler’s weight,
  • either has a rigid metal bracing handle or lightweight soft handle for minor support.

In such a way, the dog offers balance assistance, counterbalance, bracing, and stability.


Bold Lead Design Basic Assistance Harness™ for service dogs, balance support & communication

To help a dog to do their job, take a look at this Basic Assistance Harness™ . It is properly designed to offer the support and security you need.


  • custom made to fit you & your dog perfectly,
  • fits dog’s body snugly,
  • distributes weight and minimizes pressure points,
  • 3 different handle styles,
  • guide handle available,
  • secure support with no slipping or shifting.
Guide dog harnesses / “Fluffy Aid”

Are you in need of a harness for a dog who is going to provide support for a visually impaired person?

Then stop! And read this! There is a special type of dog equipment for this purpose – a “Fluffy Aid” harness. Guide dogs help people to acquire skills to live the way they want to, regardless of their vision level and they require the device to help them in their job.

Do you know how does a guide “Fluffy Aid” harness look like? I will try to briefly explain it. It is designed as a custom harness with a single difference – a handle. The handle is a kind of a chain between a guide dog and a handler, so it is slanted at an angle to allow for a more natural and comfortable hand position for the person.


FDT Leather Guide Dog Harness

Guide Leather Dog Harness and Guide Nylon Dog Harness are meant  to help visually impaired people and their guide dogs in daily life. They vary in the material they are made of. The first one is produced of genuine leather, the second – nylon.


  • traditional well known design,
  • 2 ply leather/nylon front chest strap,
  • dual purpose of the around chest strap – roller buckle for size adjustability and quick release buckle for taking harness on and off,
  • reflective stripes to increase visibility and keep your dog safer,
  • hard steel leather/nylon covered control handle,
  • easy removable main handle,
  • supreme comfort for your dog,
  • easy pick up main handle “fall-stop” bar.

“Fluffy Aid” tip:

A guide dog harness is not just a tool, it is a mean of communication between the handler and the pet when leading. Science Daily informs that

A proper harness that enables good communication between the blind person and the dog is an important factor in the animal’s well-being, while a poorly fitting harness may result in health problems and impaired communication between dog and owner.” [Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien

So, be careful with your choice. Dog’s well-being and health may depend on this item.

Support dog harnesses / “Help’N’Care”

Do you have a dog that is arthritic, aging, injured or recovering from an illness or surgery?

Give your pooch a sense of independence!

Allow them to move about freely and keep the pet mobile and healthy with a special “Help’N’Care” harness!

Today there are more than a dozen of support harnesses to choose from. To help pet parents and their dogs Mark C. Robinson, the founder and president of,  created a site to support the caretakers of elderly, injured, and handicapped pets. They provide all of the products, services, and support you’ll need for special needs pets.  


Depending on the support the pet requires, offers front-lifting, rear-lifting, full-lifting support harnesses.

Different support harnesses from

It is a pity, but our pets age much faster than we do. Their health change with age and we can do nothing about that. I hope this site will help you determine which product is the best fit for your pet.

Dog Car Harnesses / “Indiana Jones Pal”

Dudley Moore once said that the best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it. But you do not want to entrust safety of your beloved pooch to the reflection in a rear-view mirror, do you?

So, dear readers, attention! Good news for avid car travelers!

A dog car harness (I call it “Indiana Jones pal”) is a must-have for you! Protect both people and your furry passenger during vehicle travel!

What is a dog car harness meant for? In fact, it helps:

  • keep your canine in their seats,
  • prevent them from distracting the driver,
  • prevent them from hanging out of the window,
  • not allow to climb on passengers,
  • save from being thrown up front in case of an accident or sudden stop.

Safety of your four-pawed friend is number one priority, isn’t it? So if you want to make car rides with your doggie safer, check out these harnesses.


SleepyPod Clickit Utility Dog Harness

Clickit Utility from Sleepypod is a good tool to consider when it comes to “Indiana Jones pal” harnesses. It will perfectly do for car rides and daily walking.


  • Three-point design for use in rear passenger seat,
  • Three-point design is adjustable for use in vehicle cargo area,
  • Broad cushioned vest,
  • Strength tested,
  • Can be used as a walking harness,
  • Easy to clean.

Enhanced Strength Tru-Fit Harness is a crash-tested dog car harness that will keep your pooch safe when driving in the car! 

Kurgo Enhanced Strength TRU-FIT Dog Car Harness


  • protects dogs, drivers and passengers on the road,
  • broad, padded chest plate for extra protection and comfort,
  • compatible with any vehicle seat belt system,
  • includes a carabiner and 10-inch dog seat belt loop,
  • functions as an auto or walking harness,
  • five adjustment points for a perfect fit on all shapes and sizes,
  • crash-tested,
  • machine washable.

Here is the cool video comparing 3 best seat belts and the detailed article concerning it.

“Indiana Jones pal” harness tip:

Dog car harnesses can usually be used as regular harnesses as well. Do you need a traditional dog harness for walking? Do not hurry up to get 2 harnesses – one for car rides and another for walking. Just check the later in action! Maybe it will meet your dog’s walking needs.

Lift dog harnesses / “Birdy-dog”

A “Birdy-dog” harness is not a tool for every dog. If you have a search or rescue canine, the best thing you can do is to get dependable and comfortable supplies. So, help your pooch to serve! Get a lift dog harness or a “birdy-dog”.

Why is it important to provide your rescue or search dog with this type of the harness?

  1. ergonomically designed
  2. provide necessary level of safety and security when lowering or raising your dog into
  • collapsed structures,
  • down cliffs,
  • even from helicopters.

Rescue and search dogs work hard to help people. So, our task is to help them by providing with reliable supplies.


With this Tactical Insertion Rescue Nylon Dog Harness your rescue or search dog will be in complete safety.

FDT Tactical Insertion Rescue Nylon Dog Harness


  • nylon material,
  • 4 nylon straps to lift the dog,
  • quick release high strength buckles,
  • easy to put on and off.

Redline K9 Tactical Insertion Sling / Rappel Harness was designed to meet the demands of Special Forces, U.S. Military, Law Enforcement and Search and Rescue.

Redline K9 Tactical Insertion Sling / Rappel Harness


  • heavy duty nylon construction,
  • easy on/off in only seconds,
  • multiple heavy duty brass o-rings support,
  • proper distribution of your dog’s weight,
  • nylon straps secure the dog inside the harness.

According to the Design

There is a bunch of designs…

Actually, all types of harnesses can be listed here. But I think there is no need to repeat what has already been mentioned. Let’s just take a look at the types of the harnesses that haven’t been described yet.

Mesh dog harnesses / “Doggie-Vogie”

Nothing against big dogs or anything, but a “Doggie-Vogie” is for small or medium dog breeds only.

So, firstly, if you have a small dog who is always choking on walks because of pulling on a leash, a “Doggie-Vogie” harness may eliminate dog’s discomfort.


A “Doggie-Vogie” is not designed to stop your canine from pulling. If your pet is a heavy puller, consider a Frontie.

Secondly, a “Doggie-Vogie” is also handy when you have to quickly grab your dog and pick him up, as you can do so by grabbing the harness.

And finally,  a “Doggie-Vogie” is easily adjustable. Both the front chest/back and girth can be adjusted, so they can be sized for Dachshunds, Corgis and Pugs who can be difficult to fit [pawspetboutique].


American River Top Stitch Dog Harness by Doggie Design

American River Top Stitch Dog Harness is a great way to be noticed and stand out when walking out, even around the house.


  • contrasting top stitch design,
  • double safety closure,
  • reflective strips for night walking,
  • fashionable logo,
  • patented design,
  • made of 100% polyester mesh,
  • machine washable.

Get your pooch ready for adventures with this Soft Mesh Dog Harness. It is a lightweight tool, which is both soft and breathable.

Rufus and Coco Soft Mesh Dog Harness


  • made of durable nylon mesh,
  • soft and breathable,
  • reflective straps,
  • available in black, red, blue or pink colors.

“Doggie-Vogie” tip:

Did you know that mesh harnesses cool when immersed in water?! It is really true! The water is stored between the mesh, acting as a heat exchanger – keeping your dog beautifully cool even in the hottest weather.

Step-in dog harnesses / “Easy Outfit”

Do it! Just step in and let’s get on with it!

A dog just steps his front legs into the harness and you fasten the buckle on the back. And that is all. The harness is on and your pooch is ready to conquer the world! A great item for those restless dogs who find it hard to wait till you fasten all those buckles and adjust the harness!

What is more, many owners of puppies and growing dogs choose “Easy Outfit” harnesses.  They are easy adjustable and may be a good match to a canine who grows.  


Reflective Padded Ultra-Soft Dog Harness in Pastel Orange

This New 3M Reflective Padded Ultra-Soft Dog Harness is beautifully crafted with trendy pastel colors and comfy styles. Go check it out.


  • super soft neoprene layer,
  • good stability and extra comfort,
  • 3M reflective thread stitching,
  • available in 4 pastel colors misty blue, baby pink, pastel orange and green,
  • does not stretch itself,
  • the chest strap is not adjustable,
  • machine washable.

LupinePet Step-In Harness

Step-In Harness for dogs that like to hike! The minimalistic design of this harness reduces pressure on the throat and is comfortable for even the longest of walks.


  • the highest quality jacquard nylon,
  • convenient and strong buckle,
  • welded steel D-ring is designed to hold up to years of heavy use,
  • duly stitched.
Tightening Dog Harnesses / “Strain’N’Go”

Pull… Tighten… Restrict… Walk nicely…

This is how “Strain’N’Go” harnesses work. When the canine pulls wearing a tightening harness on, harness straps will tighten. Some say that slight tightening can be uncomfortable for the pet and causes him to lessen or stop the pulling and walk on a looser leash.

What do you guys think about that?

Don’t you want your beloved four-pawed friend to feel even the slightest discomfort? Then this harness is not about your dog!

Is your dog a rehearsed puller and you think that a slight pressure will do no harm? Then it is a valuable device for daily walks!


  • Do not leave on a dog unattended!
  • Not to be used as a tie-out.
  • For walking purposes only.


Sporn Ultimate Control Harness

Feel like purchasing a “Strain’N’Go” harness? SPORN Ultimate Control Harness is a worthy tool to pay attention to. It is guaranteed to start working instantly, without intensive training!


  • front pull control option,
  • rear pull control option,
  • simultaneous front and rear control,
  • built-in easy grab emergency handle,
  • padded throughout for comfort,
  • adjustable around the chest and girth,
  • dual buckles for easy on and off,
  • lifetime guarantee (excludes chewing).

LUPI Harness for Different Dog Breeds

Without pain or any struggle, dogs stop pulling on a LUPI Harness! It is specially designed for those dogs with short noses like Pugs and Bulldogs who do not easily wear a HALTI.


  • figure-of-eight design,
  • converts forward motion to upward lift,
  • simple to use,
  • easy to fit,
  • instant results,
  • gentle on dogs with spinal injuries,
  • great for short-nosed dogs who can’t wear a headcollar.

“Strain’N’Go” tips:


The slight tightening will do no harm to your canine. But please check on the type of the tightening the harness causes. Some tightening harnesses may cause sharp pain when the pet starts to pull, which is not recommended. If you decided to use this type of dog harness to stop your furry friend’s pulling, make sure it is gentle and pain-free.


Even though dogs generally don’t mind wearing a tightening dog harness, do not misuse it. Some canines can get accustomed to the pressure and ignore the tightening effect.

Go Pro Dog Harnesses / “Third Eye”

Want to see the world as your dog sees it?

Well, Go Pro type of dog harnesses is exactly what you are looking for! Put the harness on, adjust all the straps to your furry friend’s dimensions, mount the camera and get excited to see the life from your pet’s point of view!

Already excited and can’t wait a minute to place an order? Check this website GoPro Fetch dog harness with the opportunity to mount the camera on the back and front chest parts.


This type of canine equipment is not intended for walking or restraining your dog. It is not recommended to ever leave your dog unattended while wearing Fetch. Follow all warnings and instructions in the User Guide.

Some More Types…

I found it difficult to refer these types of harnesses to the above mentioned criteria. That is why here are some more types.

Pull Stop Harness

Petnovate Pull Stop Harness

Designed by Petnovate, it will stop your dog from pulling without discomfort, squeezing or pain. It uses your pet’s own pulling force to act against his front legs. It works like this: when your pet pulls to a point that he is walking faster than you, the force that you begin to feel at the leash slows your pet down and thus reduces the pulling altogether.


  • Snap buckles on both leg straps and on the girth strap make it easy and quick to get the harness on and off your pet;
  • A complimentary color in the chest strap makes it easier to orient the harness for quick placement on your pet;
  • Metal strap adjusters on every strap allow you to adjust the harness to the perfect fit on your pet;
  • Elastic girth strap ensures a snug yet comfortable fit;
  • High density heavyweight nylon webbing and X-box stitching ensure a long lasting product.

Smart Harness

Good news for those who work with rescue or search dogs!

Did you know that North Carolina State University researchers have developed a new technology designed to improve communication between dogs and humans?

Sounds interesting, don’t you think so?!

Read more about it following the link.

I think that it is indeed a worthy tool that will help rescue and search dogs in their difficult job. Let’s hope for the best that this innovation will become a common practice soon.

That is all about types of dog harnesses!

You may have to experiment to find the one that works right for your dog. But I hope that this classification of dog harnesses will make your choice easier.

Perfect Harness Size

Have your tape measure ready!

Here you will learn how to measure your pooch correctly and order a perfect fit harness. So, you have a tape measure! Measure dog’s chest and neck. Get the canine’s weight! And do not forget about the rule of 2 fingers (you will learn it in the chapter).

That is all! Wait, though!

Check if the harness does not move much! All right, now it’s over.

So you’ve probably decided to choose a harness over a collar and you know exactly the type of the harness your dog needs.  But you still have doubts about a proper size.

In fact, you already know what can happen if you choose not matching size. But just in case…

Why a proper fit is important?

Just like having badly fitting clothes, a badly fitted harness can be very uncomfortable for your dog. It may cause rubbing especially under the armpits. What is more, it can also affect the way your pooch moves.

If the harness is too tight, it can restrict your dog’s natural motion and prevent him from using his muscles correctly causes undue stress on bones and joints. If the harness is too loose, your dog can get out of it if he pulls.

But how to understand that the harness fits perfectly and your furry friend feels no discomfort?

The aim of the harness is to reduce the pressure from the dog’s neck to the whole body. Well, it’s not a big surprise, that it’s more difficult to take proper measurements of the dog for a good-fit harness instead of a collar. Anyway, it’s not recommended to ignore the fact “as-much-comfy-as-it-could-be-for-your-dog”, which (in many cases) depends on the simple taking measurements rule.

To achieve better results in measuring, please, check our infographics. Then:

  1. Get the dog’s weight;
  2. Measure chest and neck with a flexible tape.
  3. Don’t forget about “2 fingers rule”! What does it mean? Check if you can fit two (and only two) fingers between your dog and the harness at any point. Read the article “How to Fit a Dog Rule“.
  4. And finally, try moving the harness from side to side. If it doesn’t move much, that is ok. Besides, make sure that it is tight enough that your dog can’t back out of it.


Sometimes, the dog owners want to save time and order the harness with approximate measurements. Did you know that the size of (e.g.) male Rottweiler can differ from female Rotty size a lot? So be attentive and make the measurements by your own. Just don’t rely on info from untrusted source.

Perfect size tips:

Have you noticed any of the following issues? Then the harness may not be fitted correctly.

  • Sore armpits or chest
  • Bare patches or difference in fur where the straps sit
  • Back of the harness rotating easily from side to side
  • A change in gait or way your dog moves

The proper size of dog harness is as important as its type. Now you know all the rules and tips on how to take the right measurements of your dog’s dimensions and to make the right choice of the size when ordering the product.     

3 Essential Things to Know About Harness Materials

Different materials used for manufacturing dog harnesses

Choosing the right material for your dog’s harness is key to their comfort and safety. Here’s a quick guide:

1. Leather

  • Durable & Comfortable: Perfect for strong dogs; leather softens over time and lasts long.
  • Maintenance: Requires regular cleaning and conditioning to prevent cracks.

2. Nylon

  • Lightweight & Weather-Resistant: Great for all climates and easy to clean. Ideal for most dogs.
  • Affordable: Offers good value but may wear out faster for heavy pullers.

3. Specialty Materials (Mesh, Fabric, Paracord, Chain)

  • Mesh/Fabric: Lightweight and breathable—ideal for smaller or indoor dogs.
  • Paracord: Extremely strong and durable, perfect for adventurous dogs.
  • Chain: Heavy-duty, for very strong dogs in specific training situations.

Tip: Some dogs need padded harnesses for extra comfort, especially if they pull a lot.


FDT Leather Harness

  • Climate: Best for dry environments.
  • Dog Size: Suitable for all sizes, but especially necessary for large dogs.
  • Behavior: Ideal for calm to aggressive dogs that need extra restraint.
  • Allergy Risk: Low, though some dogs may experience skin reactions.

Why Choose Leather? Leather harnesses offer strength and durability, especially for larger or more aggressive dogs that need repeated restraining. They are aesthetically pleasing, less likely to cause irritation, and can be polished to maintain their appearance.

Care and Lifespan Tips:

  • Clean regularly with a soft cloth or saddle soap.
  • Use a damp cloth with moisturizing soap, then buff for shine.
  • Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent damage.

Cleaning Tip: Always test a cleaning method on an inconspicuous area first.


Have a look at one of these high-quality leather accessories! They are training and walking, of specific use or multifunctional ones. A wide range of dog harnesses won’t leave you indifferent. Each leather dog harness impresses with its unique design, elaborate pattern and fashion studs. Training dog harness is of increased durability and strength. Walking dog harness is attractive whether it is studded or not. Elegance, safety and comfort are the main priorities when manufacturing FDT leather harnesses. Make your dog’s outfit really distinguished, choose one of these harnesses for dogs!

Nylon or other synthetic materials

Climate: both dry and humid

FDT Walking Nylon Harness

Size: small and medium dogs

Behavior: won’t do for aggressive dogs

Allergy: can cause skin reactions or ill effects (high risk)

Nylon is a good material to consider if you live in coastal areas with humid climate. Dog parents also prefer nylon for quick and easy washing.

However, this might not be the best choice if the dog has an allergic skin condition. Synthetic materials can rub hard against the canine’s skin, aggravating the allergic reaction. Secondly, nylon harnesses are not that strong and won’t work with large and aggressive canines. They simply will be useless and won’t be able to restrain your pet.

Nylon cleaning and lifespan tips


Nylon is easy to care for, but it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Here are some lifespan tips how to prolong the lifespan of a nylon harness.

  • A nylon harness should be washed separately on a cold water.
  • Use only non-chlorine bleach on nylon if needed.
  • If you dry a harness in the dryer (as opposed to drip-dry), make sure the dryer is set on its lowest setting, and remove items promptly when cycle is finished.
  • Must be never ironed!


Let your favorite pet enjoy wearing one of these nylon dog harnesses. A great choice of dog supplies made of durable nylon will draw your attention definitely. Choose from this large selection of nylon, all weather, service, police and military harnesses. Schutzhund, tracking, police K9, search and rescue, walking, training, pulling and guide and assistance harnesses are available to purchase. Water-resistance, extreme durability, great functionality and practicability are combined to manufacture these FDT Nylon Dog Harnesses. Choose one of these perfect dog accessories and give your pet more freedom and opportunities!


Mesh Dog Harnesses

Climate: both dry and humid

Size: small and medium dogs

Behavior: won’t do for aggressive dogs

Allergy: can cause skin reactions or ill effects (high risk)

Mesh is a resistant, comfortable and soft material. The air is pressed through and keeps your dog cool and ventilated. But it won’t do for large dogs. There is a great variety of dog mesh harnesses for small and medium breeds.

TAKE A LOOK! has a great collection of dog mesh harnesses to impress you! Fashion meets function with tough mesh and you will find the design you like!


Denim Dog Harness

Climate: dry or humid (depends on the fabric)

Size: small and medium dogs

Behavior: well-behaved

Allergy: no information

If you have a desire to create a harness with your own hands, household fabrics will be of great choice. They are the most affordable and easy-to-procure materials. A dog harness can be prepared from heavy woolens, if the surroundings are perennially cold, or cotton fabrics that are suited for hotter climates. Since these fabrics are originally retailed for human use, their overall safety is guaranteed.

One more pleasant bonus – you can customize the harness for a better fit and create any design you wish. Find instruction on how to create a harness in tips. There are also ready-made fabric harnesses.

Tips how to make a fabric dog harness

If you are a wiz with a sewing machine, you may make a fabric harness for your pooch with your hands.

You will find a Kimono Dog Harness Tutorial following the link.


Take into consideration denim dog harnesses. Aren’t they beautifully made? I find them very cute. There are different designs and you can make a denim harness by yourself as well.


KONG Pink Paracord Harness For Dogs

Climate: dry or humid (depends on the fabric)

Size: small and medium dogs

Behavior: well-behaved

Allergy: no information

Do you want something really unique for your pooch?

Then consider a harness made of paracord! All the other dogs on the block will be jealous, I know it. What’s fun about the paracord dog harness is that you can make it with a bunch of different weaves, colors, patterns, and cord sizes (depending on the size of your dog).

Paracord is tough enough to withstand dogs’ pulling and you can completely customize what you make for them.

TAKE A LOOK! design, develop, manufacture and sale exclusive custom made Paracord products for humans and animals. They have a beautiful collection of Paracord dog supplies, including dog harnesses. Go check them out!

Tips how to make a paracord dog harness

Here are some tips how to make a paracord harness for your furry friend. To learn how to make your own paracord dog harness, you can watch the video below or read the article here.


I didn’t even know that these harnesses exist until I came across this page! I am not sure about peculiarities of their use, but I guess that they are designed for dog-chewers.

Part of harness padding of Petzl SEQUOIA harness @ Rescue Response Gear

Does a harness padding matter for my dog?

You may ask this question and I will reply “YES”! Of course, harnesses with an under-padding are a bit expensive as they involve extra layering. But health is above wealth! Padding is vital if the dog doesn’t have substantial fur and their skin is prone to being traumatized by friction from the harness.

Can my dog be allergic to materials a harness is made of?

I think it’s safe to assume that most things that humans can be allergic to, a dog can be allergic to as well.

Any dog could develop allergies. However, breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Terriers, Setters, Boston Terriers, Pugs and Bulldogs are the first on this list.

There are dogs that have allergies with certain types of metal, like nickel. Some buckles, rings, decorations are made of nickel. So, if your pet is allergic to this metal, give preference to another one. Brass, stainless steel, chromium plated might be sound alternatives.

Can a dog be allergic to leather? Yes, some dogs have an allergy to leather, and wearing a leather harness can cause a variety of discomforting symptoms. In this case I recommend trying harnesses made out of different materials.

Canine allergies to synthetic materials such as nylon are rare but not unheard of. Many times what appears to be an allergy to nylon is actually an allergy to the chemicals used to process the nylon into a final product.

More Q&A

How old does my dog have to be to start using a dog harness?
Shall I retrain my dog for a harness if he/she used to a collar and leash?
Can harnesses be escaped?
Help! My dog hates his/her harness! What can I do?

All these questions are answered in the More Q&A chapter!

Has a flood of information failed to fulfill your desire for more details?

Here is the chance to remedy the situation! The last piece of information for you!

How old does my dog have to be to start using a dog harness?

Siberian Husky puppy in FDT Leather Harness

Is your dog ready to be trained for a leash? Then you can start using a dog harness. You can choose this harness for puppies and small dog breeds especially if your little star tries or likes to pull.

I strongly recommend you not to leave a harness on for long periods of time until the dog is fully grown. Please, take it off when your puppy is not on walks. Be careful! Permanent wear of a harness may inhibit proper bone development.

Shall I retrain my dog for a harness if he/she used to a collar and leash?

Basically, no. Most dogs that got accustomed to leashes do not require additional training. They seem to understand that it is just a different invitation to go for a walk.

However, some canines may dislike wearing a harness or try to remove it. This could mean that you need just to adjust it better. Most pooches accept harnesses as long as they’re comfortable.

Can harnesses be escaped?

It is almost impossible for a supervised dog to escape a harness. But sometimes clever dogs could chew through the portions on the chest. Luckily, not all harnesses are easy to chew.

Help! My dog hates his/her harness! What can I do?

Does your pet run away when you say “wanna go for a walk”?

Some dogs just hate harnesses. They hate the way they feel being harnessed. Some dislike the very process of putting it on.

So, how can you help your furiend to enjoy walks when wearing a harness?

Step 1

Golden Retrievers in FDT Everyday Nylon Harness

First of all, find out what may be the reason for that. Make sure that the harness does not cause any discomfort for your pooch. The tool may simply rub or cut into the skin. Naturally, your canine won’t like these feelings and wouldn’t want to wear it. Maybe adjust the sizing or wrap some padding around any pressure points/buckles that might dig in. Or think of other reasons your four-pawed friend may dislike about a harness.

Step 2

Secondly, you may switch to a different type of a harness that is more comfortable or easier to put on and off.

Step 3

Thirdly, have you tried positive reinforcement games? Use treats if putting the harness on is a success or invent some games. It may work. Try tiny bits of cooked chicken or tiny bits of hot dog for a high value treat. You could try putting it on your canine before every meal.

Wrapping it Up

That’s it! Wasn’t that easy?
By now you probably know everything about a dog harness.

This is the end of this guide. Now it’s time to go to the shop or surf the Net in search of an ideal harness for your beloved woof if you haven’t started to already!

Comments 8

  1. Great article! My dog (bulldog) is allergic to nickel, so the information about allergic reactions was particularly useful.

  2. Thanks for sharing this super useful info!!!! I am looking for a new harness for my dog, and your article helped to choose.

  3. I even didn’t think that there were so much issues to pay attention to while choosing a harness.
    Thanks for such a detailed guide!

  4. Wow! That’s a really useful info! Definitely worth reading. Thank you a lot! Now I know how to choose a perfect harness for my beloved Belgian Malinois!!! 🙂

  5. Yo, this article’s straight fire for us husky parents! It’s got the 411 on all kinds of harnesses, from basic walks to full-on sledding action. Mad props to the writer for breaking it down and helping me level up my pup’s gear game!

  6. It was a bit of a long read, but I enjoyed. Though I haven’t found any harness style I was thinking to buy, but I found good dog training stuff.

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