From the history of the
Bull Terrier as a separate dog breed can be already shown
in cynological literature and on samples of old engravings
since 1820. His triumphant progress in the dog world, he
has made in the center of the Birmingham Black Country in
about 1860 after James Hinks, the father of the modern
Bull Terrier managed to establish this type of breed so
that its clear outlines start from that time.
The country of origin:
Strongly built, muscular, proportional, active, with
lively, decisive, clever expression.
Features of behavior and
Even-tempered, amenable to discipline, though stubborn,
but the dog behaves exceptionally well with
The coat is short, smooth and uniform. It is hard by touch
and has a nice sheen. The skin is tight everywhere.
For white dogs - pure white, the pigment of the skin and
marks on its head are allowed. For colored one - the color
should be dominant. If the dog is of the same
color in all other parts, then preference
should be given to the basic color.

The head is long, powerful, low-set, but not having a
rough shape, when viewed from the front the head should be
in the form of egg, without all sorts of twists. The upper
part is almost flat, from the top to the tip of the nose
the head looks like sloping one, the nostrils are open and
Small and thin, close-fitting to each other.
Narrow and obliquetly placed, deep set in the skull, have
a triangular shape, on standard should be dark - brown,
light-colored eyes is a disqualifying trait. Distance from
the nose to the eyes should be longer than from the eye to
the middle of the top of the head.
The teeth should be white, strong and healthy, it should
have a the right scissor shaped bite, any deviation from
which is a disadvantage or defect. |
The neck should have a very good muscles, should be long,
folded, should narrow from the shoulders to the head. A
slack skin on the throat is not allowed.
The body is powerful. The back is short and strong, the
back line runs from the withers straight at first, and
then slightly bends over the part of the thigh.
The bottom line is formed from the lower chest to the
belly a graceful, leading upward curve. If viewed from the
front, the chest should be broad.

The belly is tightened.
The tail is short, lowly set, tapering to the tip.
The front limbs are round with strong bones, giving a
stable position to the animal. The limbs are parallel,
have an average length, the elbows are close fitting. The
hind limbs are also parallel, strong and muscular. The
knee is very flexible, the middle part of hind legs is
short and strong. The paws are round and compact with
well-movable fingers.
Attractive features:
Bull terrier is a smart dog, characterized by peculiar
perspicacity. They are friendly and kindly disposed
towards people. |