Dog training equipment

Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 Products)

Intermediate Training Dog Sleeve Made of Natural Jute
Intermediate Training Dog Sleeve Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve made of jute material. When you need to build a good foundation in bite...
$119.99... more info
Cochise wearing our exclusive Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve - PS14jute
Guy, Here are a couple of pictures from 1/31/2020 training. First time I was able to use the sleeve. This is a hard biting dog, Cochise trained by...
$119.99... more info
Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve - PS14french
Hi Dan, Here is Italiano del Colle dell'Infinito , "Talo", using your intermediate sleeve with french linen cover, he loves it. Thank You for the...
$119.99... more info
Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve - PS14jute_1
Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve made of jute material. When you need to build a good foundation in bite work. The intermediate sleeve is...
$119.99... more info
Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve - PS14jute_2
Sorry it has Taken so long to get back in touch with you, it has been hectic since the event and trial! We are IN LOVE with that new sleeve you guys...
$119.99... more info
Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve - PS14jute_3
Dear Guy, We are very pleased with the Training Sleeve we bought at "For Dog Trainers". It is very durable, especially with the Jute sleeve cover....
$119.99... more info
Raven finally got for his training Intermediate dog sleeve bottom part replacement - PS14juteBottom
I just thought you might like to see some of your stuff in use.? I was looking through some photos of this weekend's club training. Regards. From:...
$119.99... more infoDisplaying 1 to 7 (of 7 Products)