Puppy bite sleeves

Choose the safest puppy bite sleeves to train your little canine. On this page you will find durable tear-resistant puppy sleeves designed of high quality materials like Jute and French Linen. Models presented in this subcategory are tested by millions of dog trainers all over the world and proved to be very helpful in introducing a puppy to bite work.
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Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 Products)

"Beef-up" French Linen Bite Builder for Young Dogs Sleeve Training

Upgraded French Linen Bite Builder Sleeve for Puppies and Young Dogs Have you already started training your dog for bite work? Do you need something...
$87.99Buy Now

Durable French Linen Puppy Dog Bite Sleeve

Check Out This Strong Bite Sleeve for Your Dog This perfect Puppy Bite Sleeve is designed for training young dogs. Crafted from durable French linen,...
$99.99Buy Now
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 Products)

When and how to start?

Puppy bite training is the most exciting thing. When little puppy is learning to bite it is very important to choose the best equipment. It is easy to teach a puppy to grip and bite properly than retrain a grown dog the basics.

Here in this category you will find highly demanded puppy bite sleeves that will help you start this important process. Introduce your little canine to the world of well-trained dogs with the help of Fordogtrainers puppy sleeves.

The most common questions many dog owners ask is "when to start puppy training?" and "How to do it?". There are many opinions on this matter but many people agree that you can start introducing your puppy to bite work at the age of 6 weeks.

Models presented on this page are designed for puppies and sleeve training can be done at the same time as tug training or when you are using a Bite Rag. As it was mentioned 6 weeks old is a proper age to start. Of course you should not forget that puppies this young are only babies. Also, many dog trainers insist that tug or bite work should not be done when puppy is teething. The key point of using a Puppy Soft Sleeve with your young canine is to do imprint training to build a strong foundation in your dog. It helps to develop confidence and to develop a full grip as well as introducing your dog to different surfaces/textures in bite work.

Fordogtrainers offers your puppy bite sleeves designed of Jute and French Linen materials. Jute is a natural material while French linen is a synthetic one, but they both are good for sleeve making and serve long. Puppy sleeves can be of various modifications like ambidextrous or just for left/ right arms. Some puppy sleeves are only designed to cover and protect the forearm, others are meant to protect full arm. Also a puppy sleeve can be equipped with one or a few handles, also there can be a handle inside in large models for example. The foundation to bite training should be done in baby steps. Young dogs start bite work on a soft Jute or French Linen Bite Rag and then proceed with a Short Puppy Tug or Puppy Soft Sleeve, from there the dogs proceed to a Young Dog Sleeve, later to the Intermediate Soft Sleeve, then to an Advanced Soft Sleeve or a Full Body Bite Suit , and finally a Hidden Sleeve or muzzle.

The step from the Puppy Soft Sleeve to the Young Dog Soft Sleeve should be made when the young dogs mouth and jaw structure is big enough to grab and hold the sleeve. Usually it is around 6 months of age. The transition to the intermediate soft arm is then done between 7-12 months of age, it depends upon the dog's skill level.
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